Monday, February 28, 2011

Dream Cover Art

I am totally thrilled to show off the latest cover of Dream Manga. A million thank yous to Dream for featuring Mascara this month!!! When I received the email that said I've been chosen to be featured, I was pleasantly surprised.

This is how it looked originally, before I cropped it and such.

The way I decided to draw Ian and Addison for this cover is very unusual. Things between them are totally not like this--so far.

In case you're not familiar with Dream Manga, it's a online magazine that is a collection of manga from non-professional artists. What I really like about this magazine is that not only does it give those who are just starting to create manga a platform for their work, but it also has work by some very talented artists as well. In fact, that's why I found being featured a bit intimidating. If you take sometime to look through the magazine archives, the covers are so cool.

In view of that, I took a totally different approach to coloring as well. I have to admit—I've been trying to color my art in a style that I haven't been comfortable with. I was too worried about being super-detailed—including the shadows and such. This time, I just let it go and colored the way I felt like coloring. And the results were much better, and it's the neatest coloring job I've done so far.

By the way, this issue of Dream Manga has Mascara Part 5. Old stuff. :p So there's that strange experience gap in my artwork.

And I can never thank those at Dream enough. Thanks once again! ~blowing kisses~

Now I'm running off to read the latest issue, skipping the first 16 pages or so because I've read that already. And if any of you want to check out the latest issue, click here.


  1. Wow, how cool is that! Congratulations! It is so awesome to have a friend who is actually *doing something* with their talent and being recognized for it. (~sigh~ I'm such a slacker. (-_-;)) Seriously though, I like the cover, and keep up the good work!

  2. I really like the cover too! Good work! I want to read more already!

  3. ^^Thanks!<3 And as much as I like working on this manga, I've promised myself that after I'm done, I will slack so hard that I'll give the term "slacker" a brand new meaning.

  4. Pretty! <3 This is the cutest Addison x Dimitri/Ian thing you've drawn thus far. :D
    Haha, it's nice that you can...NOT slack so well. I can't even get my one-shots on dA done, not to mention the Valentine's Day stuff I was supposed to get done..>.<

  5. Random: Dimitri always has a signature shark tooth (?) necklace. :D I like.

  6. This is absolutely wonderful! Congrats and all that. I love the cover art and really hope to see the day when these two are together finally. (See, I'm a romantic at heart even with Manga characters). I love your work and look forward to reading more.

  7. Thanks!

    @Ladyquilt: Yes, it is very likely you'll see the day when Ian and Addison are together. n_n

    @hiddenwings: You're right, Ian is wearing a shark's tooth necklace. And there is a reason why I drew him wearing that, but I'm planning to save that info for another post :D
