Thursday, January 23, 2014


Last week: "I have been really getting a lot done with Wings...the update schedule will be changing to the 1st and 15th of every month."

Now: "That's impossible! *cries*"

Sadly, updates to Wings won't come as often (and with as many pages) as planned. What has changed between this week and last week?

Last week, I didn't have any commission work coming in (And it hadn't been coming for a little over a month). This week, I do.

Due to that, my inking and toning and lettering schedule has been pushed back (although I'm close to finishing. So close!!!) and so has the schedule for making Wings available in print. It's still going to happen. It's just going to happen later than I've hoped for.

Commission work is okay, but it does keep me from updating twice a month, and honestly, it sometimes affects the amount of effort I put into my comic pages since I put so much energy into my commission art.
Making lovely pieces of art like this for people takes time!

If I could focus on being more of a comic artist and less of a commissions artist most likely you would:

  • Get more blog posts about creating comics since I'll be spending more time....creating comics ^_^
  • Get a better print edition of Wings. I’ll have more time to format it for publishing since I'm not spending my time on other non-comic related art stuff for income.
  • Get webcomic updates with more content and color illustrations (I cut back on the number of pages in my updates so I can spend time on other art projects that pay the bills.) 

And getting this to happen isn't totally impossible. By becoming a supporter of my webcomics, I will have less of a need to accept commissions. Being a supporter means more than just getting me to create more, but supporters can also get:
  • A signed print edition of Wings
  • Sketches of original comic pages
  • One-on-one drawing lessons via Skype
  • An invitation to a group hangout to talk with me and ask questions
  • And that good feeling that comes from supporting independent webcomic artists. ♥

Click here for more detailed information about becoming a supporter.

By the way, now Wings will be updating with four pages on the 1st of every month until I have some more time. The only exception will be February 1st--then I will post 3 new pages instead of four.

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