Friday, September 5, 2014

The Blue Room Cafe: Picturing the Setting

In my mind I imagine the The Blue Room Cafe as being a place that's warm, cozy, and a tiny bit lost in the past while being totally modern. At the door there's a chalkboard sign advertising the coffee of the day, and brown leather lounge sofas and original art play a huge role in the interior design.

Some days it's easy for me to travel to that place where the setting is clear and alive. Some days, not so much.

Sometimes, I can barely see it at all. But I make myself write something everyday, if I can see it or not. So on those tough days when it's hard to get those mental images flowing, I turn to Pinterest--which has been awesome for gathering references not only for this light novel, but for my upcoming manga as well.

Here are the images of the coffee shop that fit with my mental vision of what the Blue Room Cafe could look like.

Follow Arcadia's board Blue cafe on Pinterest.

And here's the description of The Blue Room Cafe from the rough draft of my novel. The challenge of writing is making words into pictures.

For some reason, although the cafe was modern and casual, it carried a classy vintage feel. The walls were a comforting shade of dark blue. Elaborate white molding and eclectic pieces of art on the walls made the color fade into the general background.

On the right was a dark brown marble counter where a few customers were ordering coffee. On the left side were tables and two comfortable sitting areas. Both sitting areas had a dark brown leather couch, a coffee table, and a bookshelf made of dark wood--they looked like someone’s living room. One of the sitting areas also doubled as a temporary stage. A girl was standing there playing a mellow coffee shop song on her guitar and singing into an old style microphone.

I'm getting closer to finishing the rough draft, which makes me super happy. But I'll have a bunch of editing to do once it's done...

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