Saturday, December 28, 2013

Does Banner Ads for Webcomics Even Work?

For the next week, I'm doing a special advertisement campaign for Mascara in print with Project Wonderful. This is what the ad looks like:

I have done ads twice before--one when I first started Mascara and another a year ago to promote my blog. But, there is still one question I haven't been able to answer yet--Does it really work? Like does it do me any good or is it just a waste?  Since my ads are targeted to webcomic and manga websites, I think it might do a little something, but in the past, I've had no way of quantifying the benefit of running these ads. For this ad though, it's easier to see if it's being affective. If I sell a few more copies, it could be, and if I don't, it's not.  So...We shall see.

Advertising for webcomics and the products that come from them can be very hard to do, because there's that artist side of you that's like, "Art should be free to everyone!" and then there's the practical side that says, "But artists need to eat too..."  I think eating is more important, because if I don't eat, I'll die and then I won't be able to create anymore. And that would be sad.


  1. siendo sincero no creo en "el arte debe ser libre para todos", históricamente nunca lo ha sido, y solo recientemente es cuando podemos ver las obras de arte fuera de las galerías privadas.
    creo que debes pensarlo mas como los músicos. anuncian su música donde se escucha música, debido a que llega a las personas con ese gusto.
    si estableces a que gente le podría gustar tu trabajo podrías encontrar mejores oportunidades. (perdón la respuesta en español)

    1. It's okay that you responded in Spanish. It's weird that although I don't speak or write in Spanish very well, I have moderate reading skills. You're right--historically art has never really been free. I think it's an Internet thing, because now art is so easily accessible for nothing. But then because of the Internet, there's also a lot of opportunity and exposure for artists too. I like thinking about future opportunities. ^_^
