Friday, June 12, 2015

Dealing with Digital Cravings

Photo by David Mao

Thursdays are my scheduled day to be Internet and digital screen free. Emails from Thursday won't be read until Friday. Something as menial as checking email can suck up a lot of time if it's done repeatedly. I have exceptions when it comes to phone calls and other mission critical stuff. But otherwise, no Internet and no TV.

Sometimes though, it's really hard. It's like I get these urges to turn on Netflix. I don't know what I want to watch, but I have this craving to browse for movies. When I'm feeling like that I pull out my secret weapon--a book.

It's sort of like a movie. Except it's in my head. 

I especially gravitate towards manga, because I don't have to imagine all of it. Just the voices. When I get all comfy with a cup of tea and a good manga, Netflix just has to wait.

I also find that I'm very productive on days that I unplug from technology. I draw my manga pages traditionally, so that's a good day to get a lot that done. Then I also have time to focus on things that I usually don't have the time to. I cook, tidy up, do some decluttering, maybe even start gathering ideas for a new project since I have the time to sit there and think.

Often after taking a screen break, I feel refreshed and ready to face the noise of the rest of the week.

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