Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Don't Try to Do Everything

I used to have way too many hobbies and barely enough time to do them.

When I was little my mom would tell me, "You can do anything that you put your mind to."

And I believed her. And for the most part, she's right. I can do anything, but although I can do anything, I shouldn't try to do everything

Here's a list of past and present hobbies:

Playing the piano
Attempting to play the guitar
Comic making
Graphic design
Arm Knitting
Jewelry Making

It's a lot of stuff. Some of these things I still do once in awhile. But I've singled out my two favorite ones: comic making and writing. It's hard to handle more than two serious hobbies. They use a good amount of time and energy, and going after everything is just craziness.

The other week I decided to let go of jewelry making. I couldn't fit it into my life, and my desire to do it was seasonal. I donated my guitar because I had for almost 10 years, and I know that I still don't have the time to learn how to play it properly. Arm knitting is another one I let go of. And programming, although I know the basics and I like the idea of creating applications, I don't have enough to time to become skilled at it. So I'm content with knowing a little.

When I feel like I have too much going on, I've realized that maybe I do. It's better to give more time to what I like doing the most, because trying to master it is more enjoyable. Trying to over-accomplish is stressful and draining--the exact opposite of what a hobby should be.

Learning new things is in my blood though. I cannot resist trying new stuff. But instead of going all out, buying absolutely everything I need for this new thing I'm into, I just get the basics--maybe only enough stuff for one project. And then when I'm done, I can let it go.

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