Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Getting Past Weaknesses

I think everyone who creates has certain things in the process that they don't like. For me, that's drawing backgrounds (like I've mentioned before) and black hair. In my past few comics, I have avoided jet-black hair. I didn't want to deal with it. 

I think what made it intimidating is that I've seen other artists draw black hair, and they include these nice but difficult to make highlights. It took me some time to master it, but when I finally did, I found adding the highlights annoying. 

Mandy & Molly will have more characters with jet-black hair than anything I've ever made, but I've left out the very detailed hair highlights. And...most hairstyles still look nice without them.

I've grown to love making characters with hair completely inked in with black. I like scribbling it in.  

Now I need to find a way to make drawing those pesky backgrounds more enjoyable. Sigh... We'll see what happens. 

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