Friday, August 1, 2014

Wings is Finished and Future Projects

Wings is finally done and the entire story is available to read.

 My right now I'm working on two new projects, a novel and a new long running manga. Part of me is like, "Isn't doing a novel and a comic kind of crazy? Who does that?"

But then I've always loved traditional novels and comics, and I have the ability to do both, so I figured why not?

The title of my novel is The Blue Room Cafe, and it's inspired by the style of the Japanese light novel. It's short like a light novel. I'm expecting it to be around 100 pages, and it's told from first person. Also like a Japanese light novel, the main character has a lot of personality and is not afraid of expressing her opinion. I'm still debating if I should do illustrations for the novel. Since the main character is a photographer, I've been thinking about using photographs instead of illustrations.

Becoming Lena is my next manga, and I'm expecting it to run for about as long as Mascara did. By the time I finish it, I will be thirty! Ugh...I'm getting so old! But I've heard that after ten years of practicing a craft, that's when you start making your best work. So I have a lot of good things to look forwards to when I reach my thirties.


  1. First I want to tell you that I really enjoyed Wings - just kinda sorry its done already. Second, I am really looking forward to your new plans. The idea of using real photos for your illustrations in the novel sounds cool and of course I am really looking forward to you new Manga!

    1. Thanks! My next manga is still in the planning stages, but I'm really excited about it too. I feel lost if I don't have a story to work on, lol!
