Saturday, May 28, 2011

Two Years of Mascara

I cannot believe that on this day two years ago, I uploaded the first pages of Mascara to Deviant Art. Where has the time gone?
Chapter One, Page 5

Okay, technically, it’s been a few months longer than two years because I had to draw the pages before I posted them, but I don’t know the exact date I started drawing sooo…yeah.

But things have come such a long way since then, and it’s nice just looking back for a moment:

Chapter 6, Page 7
Addison makes a phone call...

Chapter 12, Page 9
I like watching Ian's dad in action.

Chapter 18, Page 6
The art has changed a bit...

Chapter 20, Page 12
The latest page so far.

I still haven’t read all of Mascara straight through from the beginning to where I am with it now. That’s something I need to do.

This will be my last year of working on Mascara. This time next year I should be done with drawing it. However, I’m working in a “time warp.” So although I’ll be finished, updates will still be coming out months after I’m done.

When I first started it, in my mind, this story was only for fun. And in many ways, it still is. I can make things happen that are ridiculous and stupid, and that's great. But at the same time, it has become more than that to me.

For one thing, it has been a serious form of practice. Not only am I learning how to draw manga better, but I'm also trying to develop style as well. The difficult thing about style is figuring out how to keep the traditional manga look, while making it different. Readers should have an idea of who drew it by looking at the art. And that's why my style is constantly evolving. In the last few months though, I think it's finally starting to stabilize, and for me, that's very exciting.

Also working on Mascara has caused me to focus on optimizing the page layouts for English. Some say that they don't like manga because they have a hard time reading it, especially if it's going from right to left. That's why I decided to make Mascara read from left to right. Along with that, I wanted to keep the layouts simple so a person who has never seen a manga style comic in their life can pick it up and easily follow what's going on.

This project has really helped me with handling criticism as well. Getting criticized sucks, but sometimes there is some very good advice. So I've learned how to apply some of the criticism I get, and I'm glad I did. On the other side, I've also realized that some criticism I need to ignore, and that I shouldn't allow it to paralyze me and hold me back from finishing my work. This not only applies to outside opinion, but also to the criticism that comes from within myself.

So now I can't wait to see what's going to happen in the next 12 months, especially since I'll be going through the process of tying up loose plot lines and finishing everything off. I know years from now when I think back and say to myself, “Remember when I was working on Mascara?”, I won't be able to do anything else but smile :D


  1. Congratulations! Two years of continuous work on a project like this is quite an accomplishment. It's good to know that we have at least one more year of Mascara ahead of us. I can really see some major improvement in the quality of the artwork from the beginning to where you are now, and I'm sure you'll only continue to improve. I like the style that you've developed. And I find it interesting to know how much attention you've been giving to layout and such. From the first time I read Mascara I think the writing and layout are two things that stood out to me as being really well done. I'm looking forward to following Mascara to its conclusion, and seeing whatever projects you might take up next. ^_^

  2. That's so exciting! I really have to commend you for being so focused and dedicated to your work. That is no doubt why it continues to get better and better. I can't wait to see more! Keep it up!

  3. Wah! Happy two year Mascara Anniversary! <3 It's amazing how you - and your art - have come so far after all this time. I'm sure that even when you're long finished with Mascara, it will remain in a special place in your heart. I'm glad I discovered an amazing artist like you through Mascara, and best wishes on all your future endeavors!

  4. Thank you so much! And yes, Mascara will always be special to me, no matter how much my art continues to change and improve <3

  5. Sorry my post and Congrats on making two years is a bit late but Blogger would not let me post for some reason. Anyway, like I said - Congrats my friend! I hope one day to see Mascara in book form and to add it to my (still young) collection. Huggs and Love!
